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"Living Time"

The first question I hear you ask is: "Why Living Time?" And by this I guess that you mean - Why is this the name of the company, and, moreover, what does it mean to say? Every company has to expect that people will ask why it is called as it is, especially as these words are ordinarily stamped on every pro- duct the company has to offer, filtered into our sub- conscious via advertising, and so generally accepted without any questions. However, perhaps jaded with the seemingly limitless multiplicity of businesses asserting their presence in the world marketplace, you may have already come to the stage where you no longer wonder about the name of a company, simply accepting it in an unthinking way. Nonethe- less, in spite of this, assuming, or hoping, that you have not yet arrived at this stage, I will tell you in as few words as possible why Living Time has been given this name. - See below if you wish to know

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Alternate Image of Sundial filmed for the Living Time® Logo

Statement by the Founder of Living Time Films Ltd.

"It was in 1994 that the idea for the company as a whole came to me. In fact, I would even say that the christening of the com- pany was contemporaneous with the birth of the company its- elf. An illogical order, you might say, though in the world of finance it is quite natural for christenings to precede births. It
is only once a company has found its name that it has really found its identity (and is that not everything in the public eye?).

It was just prior to this period that I had come into possession of the deep-seated belief that time is not 'dead' either before or after it has existed for us in the present moment, but that it lives in the future and past just as "real"ly as it does in the present - it does not die, but lives! Both future and past are Living Time.

Of course, as this idea is directly opposed to the popular 'tran- sient view' of time - that the "moment" we are living "now" does not yet exist for us in the future and is dead and buried in the past - it must sound quite bizarre when not fully explained. However, I am not going to justify that belief on this page but will leave it to the remainder of this publication to indicate how each area of activity pursued by Living Time goes some way toward expressing this. It may not be obvious on the surface, but as it is always in mind at the stage of devising a project, it is natural that perspectives on "Living Time" will be discovered on closer scrutiny.

However, there is a second belief, distinct yet not unrelated, also referred to by the name Living Time. This is that film itself is, in its own very special way Living Time. Consider that film footage, even before it has been edited together into a filmic whole, functions as indices of moments that have already receded into the past - like windows on what is now beyond sight. Even where the footage is flawed and imperfect in its repesentative qualities, these clips may be the best indication we have of what we would have seen at those earlier moments. And in the light of the belief expressed in the preceding paragraph, I would go even further and say that a film is actually allowing one to look at time that is still now existing, though otherwise not perceived. Film-making, a medium whereby a director is able to capture and set forth cycles of time, real and imaginary, documentary and dramatic, is one of the central activities of Living Time. And as one of the most all-comprehensive of art forms (in that it may embrace all other arts within a production) its future seems now more assured than ever as it becomes avai-lable through a greater variety of media windows than ever before - ranging from 70mm Imax screens to those the size of a pocket watch or of a mobile phone."

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